Exploring Sussex Churches
Although Sussex was relatively late in converting to Christianity it has, uniquely amongst southern counties, retained a large proportion of its earliest church buildings. Subsequent wealth and influences have not destroyed all that was there and the past really does peep out at the casual visitor.
The lecture looks at the architectural history of Sussex churches, taking a chronological view from the early eleventh century to the twentieth. It illustrates a variety of buildings that are little known.
John Vigar was encouraged early in his career by John Betjeman and is Trustee of a national church preservation charity of which Betjeman was a founder. He is an architectural historian by profession, specialising in ecclesiastical architecture. As well as teaching at several universities he works for The Churches Conservation Trust and lectures extensively across Europe.
This lecture lends itself to a study day, or a full-day tour as a follow-up. John prefers to take guests to little known churches where he explains each in detail.
Suggested reading:
Vigar, John `Exploring Sussex Churches` 1986 (copies will be on sale)
Beevers, David `Sussex Churches and Chapels` 1989
Frewins, Clive `The Church Explorer’s Handbook` 2005