January Blog 2025
Firstly, apologies for a longer than usual absence. I`ve been moving house and dealing with builders. Bar a couple of minor things and a complete internal redecoration we are now fully installed and very happy to have made the move. If you need my new postal address please send me an email.
I`m currently teaching three Norfolk Churches classes in different towns and they are going down well. I don`t know how I managed to teach 11 classes a week when I lived in Kent! This autumn I`ll be teaching a term of church classes in Hertfordshire for the first time - it will be a long journey by train but I`ve already met the hosts and know that I will enjoy it.
Dorset Church Tour - Monday April 7th to Thursday April 10th. I still have one room left (it can be for one or two people). I`m increasing the number of participants to 25 this year as it is the only way I can keep the price the same as last year. It promises to be an interesting selection of churches, some of which are difficult of access. Details in the previous Blog.
Autumn tour 2025. This will be a little different this year as we are going back to a weekend format which will run from Friday 10th to Monday 13th October. Full details and booking in April. With any luck we`ll be back to the usual Monday start next year.
My latest book CHURCHES OF ESSEX will be published in March. It can be ordered now here Essex Pre-Order . In association with the launch I am doing a brand new ZOOM lecture on the evening of Thursday March 6th. You can book your place here Essex Churches Zoom lecture . There are only a few places left. I am now working on Churches of Lincolnshire which will be published in 2026.
Other Zoom lectures coming up are February 5th Norfolk Church Monuments and February 18th Churches in Retirement
Sadly I lost a dear friend in the autumn. Dr Julian Litten was the foremost expert on burial practices and everything funereal. We had worked together on several committees and church tours over the decades and I was moving to be a near neighbour. Last week I attended his Requiem in Norwich Cathedral where his hatchment was carried in procession. I doubt I will see that again! In fact the last time he invited us for lunch the recently-completed hatchment was sitting in his dining room, and he proudly showed it off. I suspect he knew it would be coming into its own within a few months.
In March I will be going to Germany for a lecture tour in public libraries, retracing my steps from the early 2000s when I was an annual visitor. It should be great fun and I`m currently writing my presentation.
My charity work has been keeping me very busy. The Friends of Friendless Churches has just expanded its staff and is taking on many more churches. Please do consider joining us and help save more redundant churches and chapels. The Norfolk Churches Trust is reinvigorating itself and upping its offering to members as well as helping dozens of historic churches with repairs. The Francis Coales Charitable Foundation celebrates its 50th anniversary this year giving grant aid to churches in Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Hertfordshire and Northamptonshire and there will be a major event to mark their work in the autumn.
Don`t forget to look at the Calendar on my website as it shows all the public events I`m involved with including a car tour of Essex churches on May 7th.
With best wishes to you all.
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